Primal Survivor

Sampela, Wakatobi, South East Sulawesi

Asa Film returned to one of our favorite communities, the Bajau people in Sampela, Wakatobi, South East Sulawesi. But this time we took biologist, adventurer, Hazen Audel to live along side them and learn their culture, including 'Pongka', a tradition of staying several weeks in a boat at sea and catch as many fish they can.  Nowadays they bring ice and coolers, stay for a month or two, and then head back to their family with lots of fish.

The shoot was 3 weeks full of excitement, even for the crew. We all learned how to survive in the hardest environment to be honest. But the beautiful people of Bajau and their uplifting community is really helpful to make us smile everyday. Especially with kids surrounding us, there were only cheerful days. On the few days when Hazen was on his journey, we were all anxious and prepared to launch a rescue mission, but Hazen's experience, but Hazen's experience and his skill as a environmentalist and survivalist made his journey seem easy, yet still with a lot of surprises along the way.